
Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

In-demand theatre marketing consultant Julie Nemitz is leading theatres and artists to grow with marketing innovation, strategies, and kickin' content. Inside the Theatre Marketing Lab Newsletter (subscribe today!) Julie shares what's happening in theatre marketing at a macro level and distills it down to what matters to theatres on a local level. Bi-weekly, you'll get content that helps you grow audiences, authority, and amplify your work.

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Summer Masterclasses inside!

Reader, Theatre Marketing Lab summer Masterclasses begin next Tuesday, June 11! This year, they will be exclusively On-Demand so that you can watch when it is convenient for you and your theatre's team. June 11: Increase Engagement and Reach on Social Media: Learn 4 Strategies You Can Implement Immediately July 9: Website Revolution: What's Working Now and 5 Updates You Must Make Today To Your Theatre's Website August 13: Go Local! Finding and Facilitating Local Content Creators For Your...

About six years ago I was speaking at an event for Procter & Gamble. Afterward, the main keynote speaker who was a very successful marketing guru... like so famous you'd probably know his name... let's call him Sam... he came up to me and said… "Who are you?" Caught off guard, I responded, "Hi, um... I'm Julie Nemitz. I work for .. " He cut me off. "You need to be a part of my marketing conferences. You're dynamite." We exchanged info and he said his team would contact me to set up a meeting....

Holy wow, Reader - Summer Session in the Lab has kicked off with a bing, bang, boom. Check out what Paul from TheatreWorks in Phoenix has to say: Pop in and pop out of Office Hours with your questions. Like Paul and Ceili did! So. Much. Marketing smarts. In Office Hours this week with theatremakers just like you, we covered audience strategies and marketing The Prom. Sondheim Tribute Concert. Ticket sales strategies. Word of Mouth strategies. Email. Community building. Nathan Lane love-fest....

Reader, Summer session in the Lab kicks off today! If you haven't yet joined - now is the time. $60 for the summer. 4 months of summer!! Or pay monthly for $17/4 pay. I've made participating in the Summer Session in the LAB easy. And affordable. THEATRE MARKETING LAB Summer Session Timing: May 15 - September 15, 2024 (4 months) What You Get: 4 double-issue TML Newsletters are always jam-packed with what to learn, listen to, and read to ensure you are up to date on the latest theatre...

Reader, As April winds down, we here at the Lab are gearing up for Summer Session! (Have you enrolled yet?) In fact, this is the last expanded TML Newsletter you'll receive for a while. Beginning in May, the Theatre Marketing Lab Newsletter is available only to those enrolled inside the Lab. Summer enrollment is affordable for everyone so get registered toot sweet. Let's Ponder Organic Social Media (definition): refers to the free, non-paid content shared on social media platforms. This can...

Reader, Drumroll please --- we are finally ready to announce Theatre Marketing Lab's summer offering! Listen. Life's complicated. Making theatre is hard. We're making joining the Summer Session in the LAB easy. And affordable. THEATRE MARKETING LAB Summer Session Timing: May 15 - September 15, 2024 (4 months) What You Get: 4 double-issue TML Newsletters are always jam-packed with what to learn, listen to, and read to ensure you are up to date on the latest theatre marketing. We curate the...

Hey, Reader- Julie here. Lauren Gunderson truly delivers theatre gold pretty much every time she shares with the world. Her personal brand marketing strategy is -- as my daughter Lucy would have said to me two years ago -- SLAYS. I love it because it is what I call in personal brand marketing talk -- that I teach to my college-age students-- a "WHAT I DO" strategy that lands squarely in the "VALUE TO OTHERS" sub-category. Lauren's not asking me to license a play... buy a ticket to her London...

Reader, April showers are pummeling my world but it won't dampen my sunny outlook on the spring productions I see so many of you rolling out! (More on rolling out later in the newsletter.) LET'S READ I've been thinking a lot about trigger warnings and content ratings in theatre. I see some theatres overly preparing audiences. I worked with one so focused on warning their audiences, that they did a fifth warning point at curtain speeches, inviting audience members to stand up and leave and...

Reader, Best thing that ever could have happened! The Sondheim musical Merrily We Roll Along and I go way back --waaaay back. (You'll see in a minute.) What better show to use as a framework for Theatre Marketing Lab's new program, I asked myself? If you aren't familiar with the musical, that's okay. You'll still devour the content. If you know the show, you are going to adore all of the Easter Eggs inside. Let's get to it. TML’s Merrily We Rollout! Season Reveal Launch Plan™ is a complete...