Summer Masterclasses inside!


Theatre Marketing Lab summer Masterclasses begin next Tuesday, June 11!

This year, they will be exclusively On-Demand so that you can watch when it is convenient for you and your theatre's team.

June 11: Increase Engagement and Reach on Social Media: Learn 4 Strategies You Can Implement Immediately

July 9: Website Revolution: What's Working Now and 5 Updates You Must Make Today To Your Theatre's Website

August 13: Go Local! Finding and Facilitating Local Content Creators For Your Theatre Marketing

September 10: Strategies For Holiday 2024 Marketing: 4 New Tactics To Learn and Implement

Each class is $25.


For just $60, you can still join Theatre Marketing Lab's Summer Session and get

  • All 4 classes
  • Access to the expanded monthly TML newsletter
  • Access to weekly Virtual Office Hours with me
  • Access to the Resources and Marketing Templates Vault
  • Access to upcoming Interview Sessions with my summer session special guests

In July, Joe Chisholm of Chisholm Designs -- my go-to website design rockstar -- joins me to talk about how to work with your web designer for efficient process and cost-savings!! It's the perfect companion conversation to July's Masterclass.

In August, I'm welcoming Corinne Marsh of CorinneJMedia to talk about UGC (user-generated content) and how to create more video content for your productions - easier, faster and with fun as the priority! If you have challenges creating more content to engage the under 50 year old audience segment, you will not want to miss this conversation.

Join Summer Session for $60. For all of this!

It's a great summer to tune up and get your marketing chops ready for the Fall Season!


Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

In-demand theatre marketing consultant Julie Nemitz is leading theatres and artists to grow with marketing innovation, strategies, and kickin' content. Inside the Theatre Marketing Lab Newsletter (subscribe today!) Julie shares what's happening in theatre marketing at a macro level and distills it down to what matters to theatres on a local level. Bi-weekly, you'll get content that helps you grow audiences, authority, and amplify your work.

Read more from Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

About six years ago I was speaking at an event for Procter & Gamble. Afterward, the main keynote speaker who was a very successful marketing guru... like so famous you'd probably know his name... let's call him Sam... he came up to me and said… "Who are you?" Caught off guard, I responded, "Hi, um... I'm Julie Nemitz. I work for .. " He cut me off. "You need to be a part of my marketing conferences. You're dynamite." We exchanged info and he said his team would contact me to set up a meeting....

Holy wow, Reader - Summer Session in the Lab has kicked off with a bing, bang, boom. Check out what Paul from TheatreWorks in Phoenix has to say: Pop in and pop out of Office Hours with your questions. Like Paul and Ceili did! So. Much. Marketing smarts. In Office Hours this week with theatremakers just like you, we covered audience strategies and marketing The Prom. Sondheim Tribute Concert. Ticket sales strategies. Word of Mouth strategies. Email. Community building. Nathan Lane love-fest....

Reader, Summer session in the Lab kicks off today! If you haven't yet joined - now is the time. $60 for the summer. 4 months of summer!! Or pay monthly for $17/4 pay. I've made participating in the Summer Session in the LAB easy. And affordable. THEATRE MARKETING LAB Summer Session Timing: May 15 - September 15, 2024 (4 months) What You Get: 4 double-issue TML Newsletters are always jam-packed with what to learn, listen to, and read to ensure you are up to date on the latest theatre...