We're Opening Doors!


Best thing that ever could have happened!

The Sondheim musical Merrily We Roll Along and I go way back --waaaay back. (You'll see in a minute.) What better show to use as a framework for Theatre Marketing Lab's new program, I asked myself? If you aren't familiar with the musical, that's okay. You'll still devour the content. If you know the show, you are going to adore all of the Easter Eggs inside.

Let's get to it.

TML’s Merrily We Rollout! Season Reveal Launch Plan™ is a complete step-by-step program that prepares your theatre to announce your upcoming season.

You’ll learn how to create the strategy and process behind your theatre’s experience to maximize awareness, excitement, and sales!

The season announcement is the most critical moment of the year for your theater company. This is your biggest opportunity to captivate the public's imagination, generate buzz, and dramatically increase awareness and interest in your theatre.

This is the make-or-break time when you have the full attention of your community, patrons, and the media.

Seize this moment to boldly announce your most ambitious and provocative lineup yet.

Reader, are you ready to click to check it out?

What's Included, Julie?

This is a completely self-serve online training program. It includes 2 videos and 10 modules with workbooks. Plus 4 bonuses!

Here's a look at the content:

Overview of Launch Plan Modules

MODULE 1 Yesterday Is Done. Recap Last Season

Reflecting on last season is an important way to center you in the present. It helps you remember what went well and what didn’t. In this first module, you’ll get thought starters and reflection exercises to set you up and prepare you for creating an informed strategy this year!

MODULE 2 — The Hills Of Tomorrow: Setting Goals

If a strategy has no goals, it has no focus. In marketing we need to understand what we need to achieve with our season announcement. Not just because we are responsible for much of it but because all stakeholders at the theatre need to be on the same page. Establishing goals in writing achieves this.

MODULE 3 –- It’s Our Time: Outline Your Season

This is where you get specific on the details of the season and titles you’ve chosen.

The work you do in this module, I guarantee, will provide you a “playbook” of content you can refer back to for your entire upcoming season. It’s the roadmap for marketing gold!

MODULE 4 — Here’s To Us! Who’s Like Us? Set The Audience Strategy

Psst. The hotly desired audience for a season announcement is different from the audience you want – and get – for your productions. Your season announcement is a moment in your year when there are more eyes and ears on your organization than any other time. Learn how to define the right audience ready to hear what you have to say.

MODULE 5 — It Started Out Like A Song: Craft Your Season Story

It’s all about the storytelling. Just revealing a list of titles doesn’t cut it anymore – if you have goals, that is. You’ll learn how to weave your season into your theatre’s mission and communicate it effectively in your season rollout. You’ll learn the secrets Julie uses to help her clients create a tight season story package that wows.

MODULE 6 — Now You Know: Create Your Sales Strategy

One of the important decisions you'll want to make is what special offer you will communicate with your season reveal. Do Flex passes go on sale? How did your LTO do last year? No clue what that is? LTOs are promotions, specials, or deals offered for a limited amount of time. Did you generate new names for your mailing list while announcing your season last year? No? Aw, shucks. Missed opportunity.

In this module you’ll learn the secrets to crafting a winning LTO and Lead Generation strategy and then tips on how to execute it across your marketing channels.

MODULE 7 — Popup Pictures: Craft A Content Plan

Your attention to the creative design for the season reveal– the graphic design, copywriting and video content, specifically – is the single most important element that elevates your theatre’s announcement and raises your theatre’s brand equity. This module covers best practices with case study examples to inspire you.

MODULE 8 — Opening Doors: Rock The Reveal Event

How will you announce your season? Go big at a gala event? Go virtual by going live on Facebook or use a pre-recorded announcement video? Hold a press conference? In this module you’ll learn ways to bring your announcement to life in new ways and use the power of social media to drive awareness and excitement for your reveal date.

MODULE 9— Meet The Blob: Press, PR and Influencers Outreach Strategy

There is no other time in the year when your theatre has more attention, and more eyes on it than when you tell the world you’re announcing what productions you’ll produce! But they need to know when you’ll be doing it so you need a plan. In this module, you’ll put one together using earned media strategies and planning. You’ll also create a plan to include local influencers in your strategy if you choose.

MODULE 10 — Not A Day Goes By: Your Calendar Runway and Master Plan

Now It's Time To Put It Together. Bit by bit. What to do when. In this module you’ll put dates on paper and start shaping up your launch plan timeframe.

MODULE 11 — It’s A Hit: Beyond Reveal Day

As we Merrily wrap up our Season Reveal Launch planning, In this final module you’ll learn new ideas on how to keep the excitement flowing beyond the announcement.

Head over to check out the 4 bonuses included.

At the program's end, what will I have?

You’ll have created your theatre’s Season Launch Plan with a cohesive plan on paper. You’re ready to grow awareness of your theatre in your community, and jumpstart word-of-mouth using appealing storytelling and awareness tactics online.

And you’ll feel great because you did it differently … and better than ever before! (And the price ... uhmygosh.)

Let's launch your season - this one or the next - with the strategy you need!

Let's go!


Merrily We Roll Out: The Season Reveal Launch Plan Is Available At Launch Price For A Limited Time

Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

In-demand theatre marketing consultant Julie Nemitz is leading theatres and artists to grow with marketing innovation, strategies, and kickin' content. Inside the Theatre Marketing Lab Newsletter (subscribe today!) Julie shares what's happening in theatre marketing at a macro level and distills it down to what matters to theatres on a local level. Bi-weekly, you'll get content that helps you grow audiences, authority, and amplify your work.

Read more from Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

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