Your golden ticket...

About six years ago I was speaking at an event for Procter & Gamble. Afterward, the main keynote speaker who was a very successful marketing guru... like so famous you'd probably know his name... let's call him Sam... he came up to me and said…

"Who are you?"

Caught off guard, I responded, "Hi, um... I'm Julie Nemitz. I work for .. " He cut me off.

"You need to be a part of my marketing conferences. You're dynamite."

We exchanged info and he said his team would contact me to set up a meeting.

I ran out of the venue and couldn’t call my husband fast enough.

"Rich - You won’t believe it- I met SAM and he said he’s going to invite me to be a part of his conferences!"

Rich had no clue who Sam was but he did a happy dance with me anyway.

Then I waited for Sam to call. For someone from his team to call. I waited…and waited. I followed up again and again. And then waited some more…and then some more.

Like over a year I waited.

Nothing ever happened.

And for way too long, I felt like I missed my train to success. I believed that he was my ticket to my grand, next stop in my career, and he didn’t stop at my station.

The golden ticket slipped through my fingertips.

I thought for a long time that Sam was going to be my
fast pass ticket to the top, almost as if he was helping me cut the line. But what I realized is the golden ticket isn't outside of us...

... there is no single person -- or milestone, perfect booking, best contract, top production, the magical licensing deal or collaboration that is your golden ticket.

You and the art you create are your only golden tickets.

So there’s good news and bad news to all of this.

There is no train that is going to start its engine and journey the rails to seek you out, canvasing around everywhere, see you, eager to stop at your station, collect your ticket and take you straight to the top.

But the good news is, since
you are your golden ticket, the secret to having that train arrive is in your consistency to show up every day and keep doing what you love so you can get better and better at creating works for the theatre -- be it acting, or writing or composing or singing or directing or designing or producing. Maybe even a mix of many of these!

Keep putting your name out there.

Keep asking for what you want.

And yes, in 2024 you do that by showing up online -- especially on social media.

One day you'll look back and be shocked with how much the little things you did each day added up to your success.

I truly believe this.

Today, Artist Marketing Lab's Complete Social Media Content Compass Framework program is available to you. I want you to enroll.

You can have a new social media strategy and content plan live in under 2 weeks.

Because you are on the AML mailing list, if you use the link below you will get a significant discount on enrollment.

You'll also get a free 1-on-1 consult with me as a bonus. These sessions are extremely limited to the first 30 artists who sign up.

I'm rooting for you,


Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

In-demand theatre marketing consultant Julie Nemitz is leading theatres and artists to grow with marketing innovation, strategies, and kickin' content. Inside the Theatre Marketing Lab Newsletter (subscribe today!) Julie shares what's happening in theatre marketing at a macro level and distills it down to what matters to theatres on a local level. Bi-weekly, you'll get content that helps you grow audiences, authority, and amplify your work.

Read more from Julie Nemitz/Theatre Marketing Lab

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